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Read what other patients have said about us:

Lana Compton, Columbia

Excellent experiences for me and my son. Wonderful staff and service. I hate the dentist but this place is so relaxing and inviting.

Peter D. , Columbia

Friendly staff that walk you through every step. Teeth cleaning done quickly, efficiently, and kindly by Crissa. Highly recommended!

KC Cagle, Columbia

If you are looking for excellent dental care and a caring staff Hutton family dentistry is a trademark for these qualities. I’m 60 years young and feel blessed to have Dr Sam and staff take care of my teeth and we’ll being. I have a heart condition and not only do I get great dental care I have a dentist that understands and cares about my heart and how medicine interacts with my condition. If your looking for a dentistry that is caring takes time to listen and explains procedures so you can feel comfort and confident that your getting the best care and experience gentle practices with excellent results the buck stops here.


We combine experience with the latest in dental technology to deliver the best patient experience possible.
